Pay Online

Make an Online PaymentMake a payment for your services online

If you would like to make an online payment to GCLS to pay for an invoice or to pay for your services, enter the dollar amount into the form below and click the continue button.  You will be directed to our PayPal payment page where you can pay the entered amount with a credit card or eCheck.  If you already have a PayPal account, you will be able to pay with that account as well.


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What They Say

quote  "I wasn't happy with my previous landscaping company, so a friend referred me to GCLS.  Ruben as been helping me with all of my needs, and I couldn't be happier."

- Sandy Guthrie, Richardson, TX

read more testimonials

Seasonal Tips

Winter Stress
Frost Damage
Frost damage can cause blackening, curling and leaf drop of leaves and twigs.  In severe cases, frost can result in sudden death of flowers, buds, or foliage.  In the spring after plants break dormancy, frost damage is often confused with spray damage by customers after an application.  Most damage caused by frost to hardy plants will recover.

read more seasonal tips


Phone : 469-774-7240
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Mon - Fri  : 7am to 6pm Saturday : 8am to 4pm